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Charles “Chuck” Baldwin (born May 3, 1952) is an American minister and politician. He is the founder and pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. He was the presidential nominee of the Constitution Party for the 2008 U.S. presidential election and had previously been its nominee for U.S. vice president in 2004. He hosts a daily one-hour radio program, Chuck Baldwin Live, and writes a daily editorial column carried on its website, on News with Views, and on
Topics include:
- His move to Montana
- The importance of third parties
- Ron Paul
- Rand Paul
- How a Romney victory will cause the Right wing opposition to go to sleep, allowing the Republicans to enact bad policies that the Democrats could not
- How the religious Right has become corrupted and co-opted
- Neoconservatives
- Christian Zionists
- The folly of gun buy backs
- The Left-Right spectrum
- The importance of state and local jurisdictions
- The importance of national sovereignty
- The necessity of protecting the borders
- Republican warmongering